Though I've posted a couple of times, they've been lame, I admit. I've been tired and sore from my shoulder woes and haven't wanted to do much of anything but read and sleep when I'm not in the lab. Not that I'm all better -- far from it -- but I've redoubled my efforts to get back into the swing of all things crafty and bloggy.
To that end, here's my Saturday Sky -- a beautiful, blue, cloudless sky that speaks to the gorgeous weather that we're in for today and tomorrow. Clear, sunny, 70F. I don't have any clear plans, but I may go out and about at some point. We'll see. Spontaneity! Thy name is Sus! (That's totally untrue, but I'm going with it this weekend)

So I'm crocheting this morning. Nothing to show at the moment, but tomorrow I'll show the progress on a WIP (it won't be particularly exciting, but it's something!). I'm also looking around for a good purse pattern.
So, if you can bear to hold on for one more day (I know it's hard, but you're a trooper! You can do anything! You're a rockstar!), I'll have actual crochet content and the preliminary results of my purse pattern hunt. Oh, how we're all atwitter!
You gave me crap about my Coach bag? I honestly don't remember that. (Crap about my earrings, however, is an entirely different story.) Anyway, it might make you giggle to know I got sick of that bag. I never carry it anymore. Still have it though, because as one's mother might say "Hey! That was an expensive purse!" An expensive, 15-year-old purse. Maybe I should just sell it on eBay.
I can hardly WAIT to hear the results of your crafty efforts today.....
With a sky like that, who needs to do anything but go outside and enjoy it!!!
You deserve another bag, Coach or no Coach! But one you made yourself is great, too. Wonderful sky!
Wasn't it a gorgeous day yesterday? My kids and I hung out, at the Milwaukee lakefront, for a while yesterday afternoon. It was wonderful having such warm weather!
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