The trip to Ravinia is representative of why I'm not getting any knitting done. Along with copious research work and a daily 2-hour class on radioisotope safety, I'm mentoring the undergraduate summer research program. This means I help the students with presentations, watch said presentations, coordinate many social events, and attend said social events. This is pretty fun and I get paid to do it, but it also means that my calendar is pretty darned full right now. For instance, Wednesday we had a big bowling party, last night we went on the Lakefront brewery tour and had a fish fry and today we're going to Ravinia. We had to cancel an ice cream social because there was just too much going on. I've become a regular little social butterfly. I hope to get some sock work done on the way to Chicago and during the concert itself. As long as the light holds out, baby! :)
Ooh, and last night New Friend Veronica took me to Target. The Dollar Spot did not let me down! Hello kitty food containers! Cute!!

Its such a good thing that it takes so little to excite me. Really, it is.
How totally cool that you are mentoring! It sounds like you are getting to do some fun stuff with it. And the pay part is awesome too!!! Save some of that money for my visit, as I'm not getting paid for any mentoring of anybody right now :) (or anything else for that matter) Hope the weather holds out!
Sounds like you have a busy summer going. Me? I'm just laying across my air conditioner vent and panting.
OMG, I love Hello Kitty so much. Those are so cute.
Oh my crap! What will they think of next. I bet Girly would love one of those for her lunch. I'll have to keep an eye out for them up here now.
Strauss in the park! Wish I was there for sure. Sounds like you are having a great time keeping busy.
Sounds like you are having a wonderful time! The sock knitting can wait.
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