
Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Well, lookie there!

If you take a gander over to the right there, you'll notice that my works in progress are startlingly complete! (Except for the experimental ballband afghan, which is just a "puttering" project, so I don't actually count it.) How in the world did this happen? No classes! I'm really enjoying this winter break -- I've been working hard on researching my new project, but when I come home at night I leave it (mostly) all behind and get down to the serious business of relaxing with some handwork!

Most importantly on the FO front is the completion of the Crazy Quilt Coverlet! Finally!! Seriously, I've been working on this thing for about three years. I'd pick it up, work on it for a bit, then relegate it to the corner for months. Then I'd have another fit of activity on it, then more nothing. I love this afghan. I love the patterns of the blocks, I love the colors, I love the way it goes together. But, for some bizarre, unknown reason, I did not enjoy making it. That's why it has taken me so long. But it's finally finished and will be mailed off to its intended recipient today. I hope she likes it.

Doesn't it look grand on my sofa?

My only disappointment with the finished project is the size. It is perfectly within gauge, but it just seems so small. I guess I didn't really think about the finished dimensions that much when I started it. I could have easily added squares and made it larger, but it took me so long just to get this many squares done that it didn't seem like a wise choice to force myself into making more. Here it is stretched out on my full size bed to give you more of an idea of the actual size:

Small, eh? Oh well, it will just have to be a "curled up with a good book/DVD" afghan. That works, no?

Info: Crazy Quilt Coverlet from Better Homes & Gardens' Simply Creative Crochet, 2004. Made with Lion Brand Wool Ease and a size J hook.

So, yay! Big, looming project all done! That means I freed myself up to guiltlessly start a project for no reason whatsoever! So I did! And I already finished it, too! I made a Last Minute "Purled" Beret for myself about a year ago and I wear it all the time (the blocking eased out some and it looks less Guinan-ish). I didn't block this one on a plate, I just shaped it with my hands while steaming it and it's not quite as big around. Here's the top:

And the bottom:

But you don't really get the effect unless it's on a head, so here's my fatigued-looking noggin modeling it:

I have a couple of ideas as to who this will end up with. I have enough yarn left from two colorways to make another, so I think I'll do that before I decide. The berets will tell me where they want to go.

Info: Last Minute "Purled" Beret by Wendy Bernard for The Garter Belt. Made with Linie 195, 1 1/2 balls, on size 9 double poined needles.

Next up is a big project for my delicious husband in honor of our upcoming wedding anniversary. Exciting! And now, much literature reviewing for my research project! Have a great, productive day!



  1. Whoa! Love the afghan!! (If I send you my address, will you mail it to me? :-)

  2. Oooooo! Congratulations on being WIP free! A sock and a half, and I'll be right there with you!

    The coverlet looks great. Just right for curling up with a good book.

  3. Congrats on the finished afghan! I think it looks awesome and I think the size will be fine. Glad to see that things are going well with school and life. Things are fine here. Work is sort of stressful, but that's the normal. The people are really nice and the apt. is working out.

  4. You know "the normal" aka "the norm." I think its time for me to go to bed. ;o)

  5. I can't imagine a world in which I'm UFO free. Seriously. Especially since last weekend I took the plunge and learned to knit. I'd been avoiding that because 1) my grandma gave me up as hopeless as a knitter in 1983 and B) I could only imagine that I would start (and not finish) even *more* stuff. But I actually *like* it (as opposed to embroidery which I like, but don't *like*- plus the needles for knitting aren't *nearly* as easy to lose/ be found by small, bare feet at 6 am...)

    Congrats to you! (And lovely stuff!)

  6. yanno, i gotta say i do wish the coverlet was a bit bigger, but since it's ALL MINE (muahahaha to all you who wanted MY fabulous afghan) i think it's just perfect!!! i mean, it is the perfect size for curling up on the couch with a good book. now if only i can get the dogs to not lay on it and get it all hairy, we'll be in business!! thanks again sus!!!! mwahxxxx

  7. Great job on the quilt and beret.


Asparagus & mayonnaise and comments? Awesome!