I have labored (in the sun, on the roof, by the pool) this weekend and I'll have a little to show on that tomorrow. For now, I'll get back in the flaking groove:

This is another snowflake done according to Judy's pattern. I love this design. The first time I made it, I used #20 thread and the flake is pretty small. I wanted a larger one, so I whipped out the #10 thread and went to town. Hmmm. They're both pretty good, but I think I really like the small one best after all.

Have a great day!!
I love your snowflakes! I think they both look equally nice.
We just returned from your neck of the woods. I saw your Catholic Knights building, and traipsed around your city with my family. (...though I thought about it, I had a hard time trying to find the proper words to say, "...um, family, would you mind if I took off for a while and got a cup of coffee with a stranger I met on the internet?", so I didn't look you up, but I was sure we'd bump into you someplace. We stayed at the Hilton downtown, ate at George Webb's on 3rd street, flew our kite at Veteran's park, ate at Appleby's at Grand Avenue, etc. Anyway, I'll let you know some time when I'm travelling that direction by myself, so we can go to George Webb (ha ha)..... I'm glad you're having a nice day!
Woohoo! Nice work, Sus! Gosh, it's great to see my little baby all crocheted up and on display. That was a really nice surprise. Now I know why I had a sudden surge of hits on that particular post, LOL.
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