Baseball season is going away and I'm sad. Of course I'm sad that my Brewers didn't make the playoffs after such a promising start, but Gator is a Cubs fan, so one of us was going to be happy no matter what. As long as the Cardinals bit it.
My last game of the season was a blast, as always. I've totally gotten the "going to the baseball game" bug. It's just so very fun. This time, V invited me along to her workplace picnic at Miller park.

At the tailgate, there were celebrity sightings! Exciting!
I was accosted by a Klements Racing Sausage (My favorite! Bratwurst!):

Bernie Brewer was starting to drag after many pictures wth fans. I admit that I perked him up a bit by patting him on the behind. That's why he's looking a little shocked in this pic:

I've loved every second of my time at Miller Park this summer. I can't wait until next year.
So sad about the Brewers! So glad that people in Milwaukee know how to have a good time in spite of it! (To be honest, they have a lot of practice at that...) It looks like you're having a blast! I totally understand about the sporadic posting, though I really do enjoy hearing about what you're up to when you are able to share.
Well, at the very least, poke your head up now and again to let us know you're alive. We're worry about you, girlfriend!
Ditto. I was getting a bit worried. Good to know you are just busy.
Ah yes, another year down the tubes. Not because the Brewers didn't make it to the playoffs, but because I didn't make it to a Brewers game. I kept promising myself that this would be the year. My supervisor is a huge Brewers fan and I joked with her that I was going to tell one of my friends in Milwaukee that she, as my boss, was insisting that I go. Sure enough, she checked with me on a regular basis thereafter to see if I was going. It STILL wasn't enough to get me to Miller Park. Oh well, enough excuses--there's always next year...
Thank you for shariing this
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