Gator's ring got too small (love how we blame the ring!!) so he didn't wear it and then eventually got lost. He bought a random clearance ring once, but it never fit right and was too delicate for his hand and was, though he disagrees with this point, freakin' ugly.
So years have gone by and Gator hasn't worn a wedding ring. It's no big deal -- I'm not one of those who freaks out over it and assumes he's out there outrageously cheating on me because he doesn't have a piece of metal wrapped around his finger. It's fine. Whatever.
But I do really miss having matching wedding bands. It just seems so right.
One day a couple of weeks ago I was happily partaking of my daily phone call to Gator. I was surprised when he announced, "Oh, my ring came today!"
"Ring? What ring?"
"Oh, I ordered a new wedding ring."
"Another wedding ring?"
"Yeah, it's really cool. It's titanium!"
"Really? What does it look like?"
"You can see it, I got it off Amazon. Just search 'titanium ring'..."

Anyone who followed the above link now realizes: The ring is $21.95. $22!!! Plus shipping. Whatever.
Do you know what this meant to me?? It meant that, considering that the smallest size available is the size of my left ring finger, we could once again have matching wedding bands! So I suggested the idea.
"But what about your claddagh ring?"
"Well, I'm not going to throw it away or anything. It will have a place of honor in my jewelry box, and I'm sure I'll wear it sometimes."
Somewhere along the line he started to believe that I really wanted matching rings and that I really liked the ring he'd picked out. And for $22, they can get lost or get all banged up or get too small, and we'll just get another one.
So he ordered me a matching wedding band and it came about four days later.

I've worn it ever since. I love it.
We're Wonder Twins again. My hubby rocks. :)