I had two horrible exams this week, a lab meeting presentation, and tons of research both in the lab and for future papers and presentations. In short, busy. I think maybe I've caught up on some sleep and no longer feel like an overwhelmed mess. The second test this week went well, I think, but the first one did not. In fact, I may have failed it. Straight up. Not that, "oh, that test went so badly and I'm sure I failed" and then it turns out I got a high B kind of thing. More like, "I left about half the answers blank because I didn't even have a bullshit answer for them and then I ran out of time" kind of thing. Pretty brutal. I could go on and on about why this happened, but I'm not going to because a) I don't want to think about it anymore, b) it won't help anything, and c) you don't really care. At least I wouldn't if I were you. So, onward and upward to handwork content instead!
Gator's best friend's baby came last month (welcome baby Owen!!), which meant that I had to get off my lazy butt and finally put the zipper in the zodiac and get it sent off. I had thought I would embroider a design on the body, but I finally decided against it altogether and went with simplicity. Plus, the buttons are pretty cute and add just a sweet touch of interest. I think it's perfectly fine just as it is.

The baby socks I made this summer were also intended for baby Owen, and I think together they make a nice little baby gift:

I've also started a new project -- a wedding gift for best friend Missa's sister, whom I call "sister" too. The wedding was actually last week, but I get a year to present them with a gift, right? So I figure I'm okay. I'm making them a set of the Round Star Flower Potholder, like the one I made for Gator last year (yes, I made my husband a potholder, and he loves it. What of it?) but in blue and yellow. I got a good start on it during a mini S n' B at Veronica's on Thursday night.

I have a lot of work to do this weekend, but I'm going to take a little time to crochet, too. I just feel better when I get some handwork time in. Otherwise I'm not sure what the weekend will bring, but I'll let you know if it's anything cool!
Have an awesome weekend. :)
I'm so sorry to hear you had a rough week. I know the feeling about having a really bad test (recalling a class I dropped, and another I got a "D" in and had to re-take)... Doesn't "it all" always seem to happen at once? I think your baby gift is most excellent, and your pot holders are really cool, too! I know what you mean about feeling better if you get some handwork time in....
You have an awesome weekend, too! Me, I'm home with my fever-laden son (102.7F under the arm...but the doctor says I shouldn't be alarmed...), so he lays on the couch groggily watching Scooby Doo while I change the furnace filter and other assorted things I've neglected for seven weeks.....though actually, except for the part where my son is sock, I'm having a good time...
Yeap. I had to retake one class in college, too. I still managed to graduate, just in 5 years, instead of 4. Sorry you had a rough week.
I love your circular potholder. The colors are so bright and cheery. The baby gown with socks is so cute, too. Embroidery would be nice, but I think it looks great the way it is!
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