I hadn't watched any Broncos games until today and they were undefeated until today. Maybe I'm bad mojo. This is, of course, ridiculous -- my presence or absence in front of a television screen has nothing to do with how the players perform miles away from me. But as far as sports superstitions go, it's completely reasonable. I will ponder this possibility and decide what to do before next week's game.
Since I have no television of my own, I had to go to the Union Sports Annex to watch the game -- they have Sunday Ticket -- and it just so happened that the screen showing the Brewers game was right next to the screen playing the Broncos game. It was maddening. It's bad enough watching two different football games at one time, but to watch two screens showing two games of altogether different sports, both of which I was heavily invested in, was really difficult. Plus, the football game was horrible, while the baseball game was terrific. An emotional roller coaster if ever I've been on one.
Anyway, the good news is that the Brewers won and the Mets lost, so the Brewers are going to the playoffs!! We're all very excited up here in Beer Town, to be sure. Go Brew Crew!!!
Oh, and I made one and a half dishcloths while watching all of this. True multi-tasking, I'm telling you. I had completely depleted my random dishcloth stash when I visited my family this summer, so I really needed to start stocking up again. I think I'm up to around four. Many more to go!
Okay, so I know I promised State Fair pictures a long time ago. But somehow this pressure has become too great and I've just not been blogging instead of doing all the photo manipulation required to present such a post. And, since Yarnthrower reminded me that I made a New Year's resolution to not feel guilty about my blog, I'm permanently throwing that to the back of the back burner for the sake of blogging in general. So there, guilt! Away with you! Ppbbfftt!!
On to a little progress report! The Maui Shrug is indeed finally finished (the one I tried to do for the Ravelympics and failed horribly) but I don't have pictures yet. It really needs to be modeled to be seen properly, and that will require enlisting the help of a second party to snap the pic and looking decent myself for the picture. This will require planning. So it may be a while. I can't help it. I'm vain yet lazy. It's a terrible burden, I assure you.
My friend Anne's bridal shower was a couple of weeks ago and I finished all her gifts in good time and went on to have a blast at the event itself. It was held at a wine bar and there was quite a spread. And I couldn't believe all the gifts she got -- what a haul!! And that was just the shower!!!
My addition to the haul included dishcloths,


lid hats,

and a market bag.

I put it all together and made fiber content/washing instructions tags for everything.

She loved it! Here's Veronica, Anne, Me, and Rachel at the shower. It was great!

I have also finished the wedding gift for Anne and her finace, but finished pics will wait until after the giving. Just in case.
Tonight I started the Seraphina shawl. I've never felt the shawl love, but this pattern is calling to me for some reason. I've only got a tiny bit done, so I'll save pics for next time. But I'm really enjoying it so far. In fact, I think I'll get back to it right now!
Nice to see you again. :-)
I can visualize you sitting there, trying to catch all the action in both games, furiously knitting while you seesaw between emotions. Heeheeheeheeheeeeeee.
Good for you for telling guilt where to get off! More time for crocheting/knitting. I like the handle on your market bag - looks nice and sturdy and less apt to stretch. The tags are sweet.
Oh, oh, oh - forgot the Seraphina. I love Seraphina's (working on my fourth now) so I'm dying to know how you get on and I so want to see a picture!
Okay, so have I mentioned that my dh is a Phillies fan? There's this book called "The 33 year old rookie," and the author attended the same school where dh did his undergrad (Concordia Moorhead MN), and was in the minor leagues for many years, and finally when he was 33, the Phillies picked him (Chris Coaste) up. My dh was really inspired by the book, and now follows the Phillies. Very ironic that they'll play the Brewers now. I might add that the year I started my undergrad was 1982 (when the Brewers last went to post season play) and the year I started grad school is 2008 (when the Brewers next went to post season play). I can't take all the credit, though... Just sayin'.
Your shower gift is so great! I love it!
My Cowboys lost for the first time, too. I feel for ya.
I've gotten to where I can't knit during the games. Too involved or something.
Judy -- yeah, I was also trying to each chicken wings and drink a beer at the same time, too! Hilarity for onlookers, I'm sure! Seraphina pics coming up!
Laura -- I knew there were Brewers baseball gods somewhere; who knew they were completely linked to you starting school! You know, you could really milk this. There are plenty of people around who would give you scholarships to start new programs every year... :)
Becky -- I can only knit garter stitch dishcloths. No thought, I can do it blind, and the increase/decrease is at the beginning of the row so I can usually remember to actually do it!
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