visited 40 states (80%)
Create your own visited map of The United States
visited 10 states (4.44%)
Create your own visited map of The World
Not that I'm all like, "I must go to Michigan!!" (Not that there's anything wrong with Michigan, mind you.) But it is very weird that some of the states I haven't been to are (technically) in the Midwest. And while I know I've been fortunate enough to see more of the world than many people get to, I still want more. There's the entire southern hemisphere and most of the eastern, after all. (I know this map makes it look like I've been all through the eastern hemisphere, what with Russia curving around half the globe like it does, but I promise I was waaaaay over in Europe the whole time.)
So yeah. New goal for this decade. At least hit the rest of the freaking United States, already. And Nunavut. I don't know why, but I'm dying to go there. It didn't even exist when I learned all the provinces and territories in middle school. So to me it's new and shiny and I want to see it. And I will try to get to Asia or Australia or Argentina or even some place that doesn't start with "A" that represents a part of the globe I have not yet encountered. That one may be more difficult.
For now, Michigan will have to do. Maybe next year.
Michigan is an excellent choice; lots of great stuff to do there, especially near the lake, and the lake is actually sorta *warm* on that side compared to the Wisconsin side...
Hey, door is open if y'all want to visit central Virginia!
Wow, you've been to a lot of states. I'd better get on the ball. I'm way behind.
Really nice your world travel map! I´m sure Nunavut would be a great adventure to visit and a wonderful experience. I really hope if you once go there that you give us a nice report about it :)
When in the hell were you in Hawaii?
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