I had a really fun, then not-so-fun weekend, but I'll have to tell you about it later. Right now, this is just a quickie to show that I have, in fact, produced two flakes for Snowflake Monday. Both are simplysnowflakes sign-up flakes and now I'm officially caught up with Judy (who just won the contest over there with her awesome crochet adaptation of a photograph of a real snowflake -- go check it out!)

Snowflake signup #4

And speaking of contests, I won one, too!! I'm so freakin' excited! It's another fabulous blogging milestone for Sus! Becky has been asking for people to help her rename her blog and she picked my entry, Fine Martial Fiber (she's a fine artist, a martial artist and a fiber artist -- get it??)!! Oh joy, the blogosphere is full o' wonders!
All this excitement done wore me out. Peace!
Congrats on the win! I'd already been to Becky's blog (after she left a comment on mine) so I knew. You were up against some good competition, too.
Lovely flakes - you handled the picots on #3 well. And your lower picots are nice and centred; mine were a bit lopsided - could have been straightened but I didn't notice it until after the flake had dried.
And thanks for the promo, too! xx
Your snowflakes are simply awesome! Really, really perfect! I have no idea how you do that, either... And, congrats on your win in the blog-naming department! Now you're living in infamy! Don't forget us little people...
Congrats! And what lovely snowflakes. Nice job.
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