The pool is open for the summer (it's being cleaned right now -- they take good care of it):

The view is very clear this morning -- you can see right out to Lake Michigan -- and the buildings almost glow in the morning light (although I'm not sure that really comes through in the photo):

The Marquette campus is always beautiful and this view is only a little better than the one from my living room:

I'm sitting up here with a cup of coffee, my camera, and the awesome thing I found waiting for me in my mailbox yesterday:

Yes, the first issue of my awesome gift subscription to Craft: came yesterday! It's crammed full of wonderful articles, how-to's, and inspiration on every single page! I am having a blast pouring through it. Thanks again, Trish!! You rule!
While I'm up here with my camera and all this great natural light, I might as well photograph some yarn...
This is my progress on the Zodiac pattern from the latest issue of Knitty. I don't think I'll actually use the zodiacal design for the embellishment, as I want it to be useful for any child down the road. But I like the overall design and I'm sure I can find something cool to embroider onto it once it's finished.

I lurve Cotton Ease and was tres excited when it came back onto the market, but I must admit I'm less than thrilled with their palette. I wanted something gender-neutral and bright, and the store I was at was out of Lime (not that I would have necessarily picked Lime, but still). So I went with Terra Cotta. I like it myself, but I wish there was more selection. Plus, they don't have brown in their palette at all (the Taupe is really gray-ish). Brown! Don't they know how hot a nice chocolate brown is right now?? Those Lion Brand people, I tell ya'. I worry about them sometimes.
Oh... Uh oh. Do you see what I see? This could be very, very bad for Sus. Yes indeedy, that there is some... Sock yarn!!!

No, I'm not looking to get in on the Summer of Socks, but I swear the new Knitty was chock full of motivation for this ol' gal. Of course, I see socks everywhere on knitting blogs and I oscillate between not caring that much to desperately wanting to join in the fun. But the new Breeze pattern locked onto me hard, and Gator graciously bought me yarn and needles to dive in while I was visiting. But I've sworn I won't start until the Zodiac is finished. After all, babies wait for no socks.
Thanks for sharing in my delightful morning on the rooftop! It's been a treat. We'll have to do this again soon!
GREAT skyline pics, Sus. If I had the view from your windows I'd never get anything done.
I agree about the skylines. I'd spend all day staring out at them, and never get anything done.
Woo Hoo! Sock yarn! A new sock knitter in the making!
I recomend Silver's sock tutorial found here:
for a first sock. I would also suggest you start with bamboo needles. They are grippier and less likely to slip out of the stitches. One further word of unsolicited advice--don't give up too quickly. The first inch of knitting on dpns is always awkward, no matter how many socks you've knit. It seems the needles get unmercifully. However, once you've gotten some length on the leg, they will settle down some.
Oh, boy! I can't wait to see your sock!
Oops. That should read "It seems the needles get everywhere and flop about unmercifully."
Your Milwaukee skyline photos made me a little bit homesick for my first city... I'll always love Milwaukee. I'm SOOO glad you're talking about knitting socks!!!!!! I'm getting on a sock kick, myself, looking for projects with little to no finishing, and that aren't a huge time commitment, though portable. I, too, really liked that Knitty anklet pattern.....
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