I have had some fairly blog-worthy moments in the last week, though -- mostly in the form of awesome things coming in the mail! As I told you earlier, I won Becky's contest to rename her blog. As my prize, she sent me a big cone of kitchen cotton. I'm envisioning a garterlac blitzkrieg! Witness the beauty of the cone o' cotton in its natural mailing environment. Krikey! She's a beaut! Thanks, Becky!

Earlier last week, I received an awesome gift that I wasn't expecting at all. It's always exciting to get actual, bona fide letters in the mail, so I was thrilled when I received an envelope from my friend, Tricia. "Yay! Tricia wrote to me!" I thought. That would have been enough of a treat all on its own. But! There was more! Inside the envelope was a card:

A gift, you say? Wowie! Whatever could it be??

WOOHOO!!!! An awesome magazine subscription! I lurve the Craft: website, but have never bought a 'zine. Now I get a year of it! Plus! A magazine! In the mail! Every month! REAL MAIL! Trish is always so supportive of my craft fixation and now she's contributing to it! What a great friend! The happy dance continues every time I think about it!
As of last weekend, I've now been to the first festival of the season here in the City of Festivals, and I've been to my first Brewers game. I'm completely, utterly hooked on both. The summer is going to totally rock.
You're welcome, Sus. Enjoy the cotton!
First, thank you for pointing out the dishrag pattern. I LOVE it, and must make one immediately...I mean, when I can fit it in, because I decided to go to summer school (four credits in six weeks -- Physiology of Exercise), and I'm told it's a "fun" class, but it also sounds like a "will really make me swamped" class... But, that dishrag pattern looks sooo cool! Second, YAY for summer festivals and the Brewers games. Our kids are a bit young to appreciate the festivals (say with whiney voice "will you carry me", and "I'm tiiiired"), but we've been talking about maybe catching a Brewers game, so I'll keep you posted if we do and maybe we could meet and knit (or crochet) together at a game.
I just this minute noticed your kind comments about your blog buddies, and I have to say that I'm honored to be included in your list! Thank you!
Have a great time with your hubby!
Wow! Someone blogged about me. I feel so cool. But seriously, I can think of nothing more satisfying than giving a beloved gift. Glad it works for you.
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