I'd like to say that this lack of flake is because my weekend was so incredibly busy and I have lots to report, but the truth is I mostly laid by the pool and didn't knit or crochet. During the last week, however, when I had lots of school and lab stuff to do, I managed to knit quite a bit. But it's been all things baby around here, as a couple of friends are expecting soon.
I made a pair of baby socks out of the Sockotta left over from my First Socks. They were so fun to make! They will go with the Zodiac (once I get that flippin' zipper put in) to adorn the newest addition to Gator's best friend's family.

An acquaintance from school is also expecting, and this has presented a great opportunity to jump on the BallBandWagon and try out one of the most pervasive patterns on the web these days. I had thought I wouldn't be able to give this one a try, because as much as I wanted to in theory, I just couldn't make myself buy Mason Dixon Knitting just for a dishcloth pattern. And there's really nothing else in there that excites me. Then I discovered that apparently the authors struck some sort of deal with Canadian Living Magazine and they are offering the pattern for free on their site. Okay, I'll bite. I'll add a garterlac cloth and crochet a pair of booties to go with these baby cloths for a nice little gift.

Oh, and yeah, the Ballband pattern is just as addictive as everyone says. Crazy addictive.
Saturday night I attended a great little Stitch n' Bitch at New Friend Veronica's new apartment. V's anxious to finish her grocery bag holder, and she found out that her new roommate knits, so we decided to do it up right with a great dinner, a couple of bottles of wine, and some greatly relaxed stitching. I can't say we got a great deal of handwork done, but we sure had a great time and I'm pretty sure this will become a fairly frequent thing. I sure hope so!
I can wait for flakes - baby stuff takes priority. Aren't those itty-bitty socks too cute? And I'm strangely drawn to the Ballband cloths too. I don't knit, so I've sent the link to my friend who does. With an order, LOL!
Three pairs of socks in about a month?! WOW -- that's great (and also proves your total addiction, but you knew that already).
I found that ball band dishrag pattern on yet a different site (http://www.jimsyldesign.com/~dishbout/kpatterns/javaindex.html)
It's a nice site, because it has knitted and crocheted dishrags (for those of YOU who enjoy both), and if you "hover" over the pattern name, the little window shows a picture of it. Anyway, on page two of the "knitted" dishrags, the ball band is named "textured slip stitch" or something like that. I think it is a great pattern, and yours look so cool! Awesome choice of colors.
I got the ball band dishcloth pattern from the ball band (hence the name) of some peaches and creme yarn. I made one, and liked it, but if I had it to do over again, I'd have made it longer. When I washed it, it shrank lengthwise, and now is more rectangular than square.
Cute socks! The Ballband bites another one. Heheheheheh! Bwahh... Ahem.
Okay. Now, the difference between the burgundy/white one I have pictured and yours is two extra rows. I added an extra purl row and an extra knit row before changing back to white.
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