I really like this design -- I enjoyed making it and I like the look of the finished product. It's Number 43 of Leisure Arts' 99 Snowflakes. It's made with #10 cotton and a US7 hook, and I altered it from a seven point flake to a six pointer. I'm not a total convert to my buddy's strict criteria for flakes, but I am not a big fan of seven points. It just doesn't seem right, somehow. I like this one so much I may make it again next week with #20 thread.
On Saturday afternoon, I went to a production of the musical version of Dirty Rotten Scoundrels. Now, I may be the only person in my age bracket that hasn't seen the movie (those who know me well, however, are never surprised to find that I haven't seen a movie), so the story was fresh to me. It was a great production and I had a terrific time. Spamalot is coming next season and I must find a way to get to that one. While I wait I can play the Spamalot game.
It was a pretty random weekend for handwork. I flaked, obviously, and tried to work on a WIP, with only a little luck. I kept being distracted by other things.
I made three new blocks for the Crazy Quilt Coverlet:

I finished the baby Ballbands:

And because of crazy Ballband addiction, I started a kicky new one:

I also spent a lot of time this weekend collecting patterns from the 'net and thus my queue of projects I want to start next is growing at a scary, scary rate. Is there a psychiatrist/psychologist out there? Because I'm thinking knit/crochet project counseling could become a really hot area of therapy. Throw in some group sessions on stash management and I think maybe you've got yourself a hoppin' little practice. Think of all the people you'll free from the stress of getting projects done on time, the painful process of deciding what to start next, the guilt of multiple WIPs and UFOs taking over all available surfaces, and the compulsion to continuously increase the stash. I'll happily settle for a 10% commission for giving you the idea.
You can pay me in yarn.
Wow! You've been busy! Nice work!
DSM-IV? I've never been hip to current trends, so not sure what that stands for -- though it is probably something totally obvious!
Thanks for your note! Yes, I hope people learn that we all have baggage and experiences which have shaped our thinking and which are just as valid as the next person's! And if everybody can just acknowledge that, perhaps kindness is on the horizon? I don't know....we're still dealing with humans, after all!
Snowflakes aren't too far off...especially apparent on a crummy weather day like today. Of course, my kids have outdoor swimming lessons scheduled for the whole rest of the week..... I don't make them go when it is cold and rainy. I'm a softy like that...
Anyway, your ballbands are so great, and I have some cotton in the stash which....wait....I MUST get some other wip's done FIRST!
Have a great week!
I kn ow what you mean. My list of sock pattern numbers in the 40s. And that's just socks! That's not counting scarves, shawls, sweaters, hats, dishcloths, etc...
Where does this group meet again?
I have a funny feeling that knit/crochet therapy groups would end up turning into enabling sessions for me. I would be copiously taking notes on places where people were tempted or fell off the wagon so I could head straight on over.
Love the snowflake and I think 7 points while pretty, wouldn't have the same balance as 6 does.
Hi ho! Your "snowflake buddy" checking in - the delightful L has been taken out by friends for the day and I have the 'puter to myself. Yay!
I was sure I'd already commented here but the 'puter's been a bit ditzy lately (I think it's all the weird games L plays) so it may have crashed out before saving.
Love the flake - very pretty and lacy, can't wait to see the finished coverlet (been reading ahead - wotz the border like??) and I soooo want one of those Ballbands. May just have to brush up (hmm, more like full launder and starch) my knitting skills!
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