For Ravelympics, I picked the Maui shrug, which I though was an easy pick (even though you're supposed to pick something that would be challenging to finish during the Olympics) but the joke was on me. I didn't finish it. I got the body piece finished, but I did absolutely no finishing or construction. So, what I have to show you is a somewhat long rectangle.

Beyond this, I've also failed to post about the things I promised would be soon in coming in my last post. Three strikes and I'm out?
Which brings up an interesting topic -- how long after an event is too long to post about it on a blog? Not the sharing of childhood memories or past events that tie in nicely with some current topic, but just the kind of stuff we go around and take pictures of, thinking, "I going to blog this". The WI State Fair was weeks ago, but is it ever really too late for pictures of amazing quilts and Elvis impersonators? Yes, but how about the photos of me with Tom Bodett and Carl Kasell from when I attended a taping of Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me! last fall???
Miss Manners just doesn't address these kinds of things.
I am reminded of your resolution for guilt free blogging, something which I've started reminding myself when I can't/don't blog for a while because I'm busy with other parts of life...
I think seeing really great quilts and Elvis impersonators is fun any time of the year, even if it is after the fact. And, it makes me feel better knowing that there are others out there who feel like they are "behind" on things, too, even though they are really super occupied with things which might be a little more important...
I love Miss Manners!
I really don't think it matters if a post is somewhat past its news-worthiness sell-by-date. Pictures will still be interesting, especially when accompanied by your ever-amusing commentary!
Me, three. I say go ahead and post whatever you want, whenever you want. Heck, I've still got at least one Olympics post I need to get finished and up.
I agree. I don't think it's too late to post older pics of stuff that not everyone has seen. Post away! If you were to post months later about an event that everyone has seen like the Olympics or election results, that might be silly.
huh.....this already looks "unaccomplishable" to me.....hats off to your patience in knitting!
not a failure ... a challenge for next year .. and i like long rectangles
I'm just jealous you went to see "Wait, Wait...". Sigh. I'm such an NPR nerd.
August was an insanely busy month. I posted on my blog on August 2nd and I only posted since then, yesterday! I covered the fair and my last 3 KAL dishcloths. Some of it seems old, but Emily won blue ribbons at the fair, for her knitting, so I needed to brag about that! Post away. I'd like to see the quilts and the Elvis impersonators.
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