Hi, my memory is crap!
I was Missa's matron of honor at her wedding, and anyone who has ever stood up at a wedding will appreciate this story of just how freaking cool my awesome BFF is:
When she was planning her wedding and asked me to stand up with her, I asked her what her colors were and what my dress might be like. She said, I don't know -- you're the only one standing up with me, so you pick out the dress you want to wear and that will be the color I use. There were a few caveats, of course -- no fuscia, etc. -- but considering that she knew my taste at the time, it wasn't really an issue. I found a simple, dark green cocktail dress in the JCPenney clearance catalog for 24.99, she loved it, and that settled it. And I officially had the best bridesmaid experience ever. Missa 'da bomb!!!
And now, while we're all feeling all these warm and fuzzy thoughts for Missa, let's throw a few in the direction of my awesome new roomie, Benny! Who's Benny, you ask? Why is he living with you? What sort of scandalous things are going on up there in Beer Town, anyway? Am I going to have to start filtering this blog, you wonder?
Never fear, dear friends! As I artfully communicated in my last post, I went to the greenhouse on Saturday. I went with a friend and had no intention of buying anything because my thumb is notoriously black and the thought of killing something I was attached to, even a plant, at this point makes me unbearably sad. But then I saw Benny. He called to me. "Hey, nice lady! I'm small and cute and springy and you can talk to me and not feel so crazy in your little apartment! And, really, with all those south-facing windows, not having a plant is a kind of a crime against the Planta kingdom." I swear, he really said all of that to me. But I took Benny home with me, so the men in white coats can't come get me because then I won't be able to take care of Benny anymore.
Yes! Stay away from me, social workers! I'm protected by... A PLANT!!!

Then I went to TJ Maxx, the home of all the stuff no one wanted to buy at other stores, and found a great little pot for $4. I think it matches the decor delightfully:

In case you're wondering, that is a ceramic fish in the upper left. A wonderfully effed up ceramic fish by a locally famous artist in my hometown. It's awesome, trust me. So is the terra cotta ball thingy in the lower right -- also by him. It jingles if you shake it. Such cool stuff I've been given over the years.
Now that there's a plant on that table, I shall start referring to it as my sculpture garden. And the men in white coats can just try to stop me.
How nice to meet Benny! He looks completely at home in his new habitat.
As the mother of two small boys, I have to ask the question: Is the terra cotta ball thingy *supposed* to jingle when you shake it, or is the victim of some unfortunate mishap, like my lamps...
Well, apparently it wasn't *designed* to jingle, but when the artist fired it, pieces of clay inside the ball (that he didn't expressly put there, so it's kind of a mystery) suddenly "appeared", and they roll around in there and make cool noises when you shake it. It's like an unexpected bonus feature. Of coolness. :)
Benny is gorgeous! I hope you and he get along well together. The pot fits right nicely.
Benny's a really handsome guy! Love that glossy green. Umm, what is he? Based on his name, I thought he might be a Beni-something.or.other but I couldn't find one in my houseplant book.
I love that terra cotta ball thingie!
Your plant is bee-you-ti-ful!
Hey girly! Does Benny need a babysitter while you are away? I can come water him periodically or something if you want.
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