- I'm posting two days in a row. This hasn't happened since sometime in July. I even think I have something to blog about tomorrow. It's like I'm on fire or something!
- I have a snowflake for Snowflake Mondays. (Judy! Lookie!) This hasn't happened this year. It's horrifying. Or, rather, it's going to be horrifying when the holidays come and I realize I have no snowflakes because I was a doody-butt slacker all year and didn't make any flakes. ::sigh::
But today -- today -- I am victorious! I have one cute little snowflake!

#15 from 99 Snowflakes by Leisure Arts
Design by Helen Milinkovich Milton
Made with size 10 Knit Cro-Sheen by J.P. Coats in White
and a #6 steel hook
Yesterday I also started a new fall purse. It's also the first time I've worked with Patons Soy Wool Stripes and can I just tell you how much I love using this yarn? It's all slick (though not in a bad way) and cooshy (another technical term) and doesn't ever split. Awesome! So, I'm making Inga's Haekelbeutel with SWS in Natural Navy and I'm gong to felt it when I'm done. I've never felted before but I have a friend who has and she said she would help me. So I'm very excited! I've only got two squares done (I'll need sixteen), but I like the way the yarn is pooling so far. I don't think any of the squares will be alike, which is just fine by me.

So I'm just flitting along up here and all is well. And now I'm going to watch my beloved Broncos play on Monday Night Football, knit dishcloths and stop obsessing about my upcoming experiments. Maybe this posting every day thing will become a trend!!
For Pete's sake, don't hold your breath.
Awesome snowflake! I forgot all about those, but now I remember how you used to make them so regularly, and they are very cool.
That's going to be a great bag. I'm interested in seeing how the Patons SWS felts. Very fun, that felting stuff!
I was going to watch a Packers game on Monday night a few weeks ago, and when I couldn't find it on ABC, I checked Wikipedia, only to discover that Monday Night Football has been carried on Cable TV (which we don't have) since 2006 or something like that...
What a great snowflake. Seeing yours almost makes me want to take up crochet again. Almost
Sorry about the Broncos. The Cowboys lost too. We can be miserable together!
Judy's late but she's looking now! :-)
Great to see you flaking again (err, so to speak). Cute flake, too. I must get that book. I think I have a few of the patterns (but not that one) - found them on a Russian website, cough cough.
What a lovely little snowflake! What perfect little stitches! Nice! I haven't made a snowflake in forever. Heck, I haven't seen a snowflake in forever!
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