Only light yoga tonight, 'cause I'm going to work dirty!! (Yeah, like that's never happened before. Ha!)
Now back to your regularly scheduled handwork discourse! (I know you were worried I was going to further discuss my hygiene.)
So last year I totally fell off the Snowflake Monday wagon (pretty much everyone else did, too, so I didn't really feel too bad). And, come the holidays, guess what? I had no snowflakes to give to people! Amazing how that works! So I'm going to try to get back into the habit of making one flake a week and posting them on Mondays. I've got a copy of the book 99 Snowflakes and I've decided that this year I'm going to start with number 1 and see how far I get. The only problem with that is that the first several flake patterns are for small flakes...

That's just fine though because, as we must always remember, size matters not. Next week there will be another little tiny cute flake! And I will love it and stroke it and pet it...
I was at Hobby Lobby on Saturday to get a pillow form for the now-finished Not Terra Cotta Pillow (pictures coming later) and I "stumbled" upon the clearance section. I have a serious thing for clearance yarn. Pretty much, if it is marked way down and it's yarn, I will buy it. They didn't have any regular yarn, but they did have crochet nylon, which is awesome because I just saw a pattern in a magazine (Gator sweetly got me a subscription to this odd little 'zine) for an awesome little purse made of nylon -- and I had none in my stash! Whew! Glad that was rectified!!
But that is a project for much, much later! I also found a cute little cross stitch kit for $4 that will make an awesome mother's day gift! I haven't done a serious cross stitch project for some time and it feels a little foreign, I must admit. And, apparently, I am really slow at stitching these days. This is several hours' worth of work from Sunday:

It seems pretty pathetic to me. But it will be very pretty when it's done. It even came with a pre-cut mat board and I got the frame for it and everything (they were 50% off!)! So, now all I have to do is stitch! After I do some hopefully-non-sweat-inducing yoga.
warm greeting from Bali island
Yeah, Snowflake Monday (cute teeny flake, btw) - is the webring still working for you? I seem to have fallen off it and when I try to re-register nothing happens.
You are still on the list of members -- although the "ring-ness" of the webring seems to have been undone. Now if you try to click through to the next participant (or the previous), you just go directly back to the list.
Hey. Just wanted to say that I'm super psyched that you are blogging again! Love it! Miss you!
"...the "ring-ness" of the webring seems to have been undone"
Ah, so it's not just me. Shame it's not working - but at least I no longer feel victimized, LOL!
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