Saturday was the last day of the workshop so that evening a bunch of us took a long walk on the beach during which time I took tons more pictures of the ocean, which look remarkably like the pictures of the ocean that I have already posted, so I won't bore you. Suffice it to say it was gorgeous! We walked up to a bar on a pier and had a farewell beer together.

I don't know why it came out all wonky like that. I am not a picture-taking goddess.
On Sunday, my flight did not leave until almost 10 pm, so I had the day to myself to walk around Santa Barbara. Before I struck out on my own, Becca, Kasper and I investigated the largest Moreton Bay Fig tree in North America. That's what those cool trees on campus were! (Yes, Adam, it's a type of Banyan!)

Then I started strolling down State Street, the main drag of the town. I went to the Art Museum (Sunday is free day!!).

They were featuring a great exhibition of Hollywood photography from the first half of the 20th century. Some of those old photos are just amazing. Current photography doesn't seen to hold a candle to it. Alas, I could not take photos inside the museum.
I found a cute little plaza-like area -- an alley with shopfronts more-like. It's called La Arcada and it's cute as a button.

There is some great public art:

And part of it was apparently once a church:

After walking some more, I treated myself to a wonderful last meal on the west coast. I found a charming Danish bistro/bakery called Andersen's. I mean, c'mon, they had a harpist!!

The special that day was crab cakes benedict. I said, "Yes!" Oh, and they had Chimay!!

And it came with a "surprise" dessert! This was the surprise. Yummy!!!

Thus ended my trip to Santa Barbara. Then I flew all night (with two layovers!) and it sucked and I came home and my luggage didn't make it, but luckily it came late Monday night and I slept all day and then I went back to work on Tuesday. All that is not nearly so blog-able. Plus, I was tired and cranky the whole time. You don't want to hear about that.
So now I'm getting back into the groove and there will be knitting/crochet content again soon! Plus, stash enhancement! w00t!!! Now you'll come back, I know it! ;)
My mouth is watering just looking at that dessert!
Your trip sounds so nice!
That is one cool tree. Makes me want to go out and find one to climb.
Wow! I missed so much! You go from posting about being a crap blogger to blogging your (little blue) socks off. I love all your pictures - it looks like you had a wonderful time. I promise to "visit" more often. :-)
Lovely pics! Isn't SB just gorgeous? And delicious?
UCSB was where I got my PhD so your photos were a walk down memory lane except the lifesciences building has arrived since I last visited. I was in web hall. Also to truely experience the outdoor corridors you need torrential rain, for they have no gutters either ;p
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