This is where most of my stash lives -- in plastic totes in my front closet which is ginormous (the closet, that is -- this picture doesn't even show half of it):

There's yarn in all those, really there is:

These bags are going to be turned into plastic yarn one of these days...

There's a little more stash in one of my clothes closets (there's mostly fabric in those totes):

My books (when they're put away) live on the bottom shelf of this bookcase in the living room:

The crafting chair with crafting end table and crafting floor:

Growing up, this was the chair that my dad always sat in and fell asleep in every night in front of the news or Johnny Carson. It used to be a really skanky green color. Now it's mine and it's warm and cozy (and no longer skanky green!) and makes a really familiar creak if it rocks and swivels at the same time. It's an awesome crafting chair. :)
Okay, I've shown you mine. Who will show me theirs?
I unloaded a whole bunch of my acrylic-like yarn stash recently by donating it for charity knitting.
I figure this has freed up a little more space accumulate more crafting stash...
That is quite a stash. Organized though. More so than mine. I like some of your shoes too.
I posted my knitting spot today without even knowing this was going around. Cool! Crazy Aunt Purl did this once too. She has a whole webpage set up with tons of knitting spots from all her readers. I don't know if the page is still active though.
It's fun to see other people's work spaces. I'll have to follow suit on my blog in the next few days..... I have very fond memories of hearing my parents' laughter late at night while they were watching Johnny Carson. I see clips from his show every now and then, and I'm very sentimental about it. And, I didn't understand his humor when I was a kid, but now I think he was hilarious. I love the current color of your chair!
I love that you're using your dad's chair. That's awesome!
You have a skein of the exact same yarn as I do! In the second picture, the variegated yarn right on top. I have two of those in my yarn closet. Wow! More proof that great minds think alike!
LOL crafting floor! I'm pea green with envy over your ginormous closet. I covent one. Aw! So sweet about the chair. There's some furniture of my parent's that I would love but alas, they live across the country. Dig your chair though.
Oops! covent = covet
Loved looking at your crafting place.Your dad's chair looks so comfy!!!
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